
The twenty-eighth board of study association LIFE (S.A. LIFE) of the academic year 2024/2025 consists of the six people listed below. The name of our board is Niveau. We will work hard to maintain and improve the diverse career, educative and social activities that S.A. LIFE organizes for her members. LIFE is the association by students of Life Science & Technology for students of Life Science & Technology. We are a close-knit community in which students can develop themselves in different fields. Just like the friendships which are formed in our community, the skills our members learn are valuable for life.

Imke van Mameren – Praeses

As Chairwoman I am the official spokesman of the study association. It is my responsibility and honor to ensure that the association functions well. I am responsible for the policy of our association. I also lead the General Member Assemblies of S.A. LIFE and the periodic meetings our advisory body. I represent S.A. LIFE in meetings with the Leiden University, the Delft University of Technology and other study associations. I strive to maintain and improve the quality of the many career, educative and social activities that S.A. LIFE organizes.

You can always contact me via mail!


Lylyna Tu – Abactis

As Secretary I am responsible for both the internal and external communication of our study association, in this way I am the general contact of S.A. LIFE for LIFE-members and other individuals. Besides communication I manage the database and ensure our privacy statement is always maintained within the AVG.  As our ‘Abactiaat’ is located in Delft, I am often found here! 

You can always contact me via mail!


Winny Heemskerk – Quaestor

As a Treasurer I am responsible for all financial affairs of the association. This means that I will keep track of all transactions and due payments and contact companies and institutions if they do not pay in time. Besides this I assist the treasurers of all the committees our study association has and help them to set up budgets. Additionally I am also responsible for the ensurance of our association. 

You can always contact me via mail!


Lenne Vijn – Commissioner Education Bachelor

As Commissioner of Education Bachelor I am the first point of contact for our students for comments as well as improvements regarding the education of our bachelor program. I am the bridge between the students and the education team and teachers. Aside from my duties concerning education, I am also responsible for the internal affairs. This entails that I am responsible for all internal communication and committee relates matters. 

For question or other remarks concerning eductation you can always contact me via mail!

Eline van Hasselt – Commissioner Education Master

As Commissioner of Education I am the first point of contact for our students for comments as well as improvements regarding the education of our bachelor program and our master programs. I am the bridge between the students and the education team and teachers. Besides my tasks concerning education, I also take care of the Alumni. As our study association is growing as well are our numbers of Alumni. Alumni are an important group for us, since they can coach, and inspire master student about their career path. We also have an alumni committee which organizes activities for our Alumni.

For question or other remarks concerning eductation you can always contact me via mail!


Lukas van der Linden – Commissioner of External Affairs

As Commissioner of External Affairs, I am always looking for new contacts. I am responsible for the acquisition of our study association, organization of career events and supervising fund applications. This way, the students from Life Science & Technology get acquainted with future career possibilities in our field. This year I will be committed to collecting a large variety of companies in order to provide challenging and suitable internships and job offers for our students. By organizing different career events we promote the development of our students and broaden their future perspective. You can always contact me via mail!

