The Board of Studies tries to guarantee and improve the quality of the Life Science & Technology study program. It does this by advising the program on the curriculum, subjects and teachers. The Board of Studies therefore has a voting right on some subjects of the curriculum.
The committee consists of a proportional number of student and teacher members. They discuss how education can be improved and probide solicited and unsolicited advice on education related matters. In addition to the student and teacher members, there are often also four other informants on the committee. These are the study program director, the study counselor, the study coordinator and the Commissioner of Education of S.A. LIFE. S.A. LIFE is therefore closely involved with the Board of Studies, although this committee is not a part of S.A. LIFE. The Commissioner of Bachelor Education is responsible for the BSc BoS, while the Commissioner of master Education is responsible for the MSc BoS.
There are three Board of Studies where S.A. LIFE is involved in. These are the Board of Studies of the bachelor, the Programme Committee of the LST master in Leiden and the Board of Studies of the LST master in Delft.
Board of Studies – bachelor
The Board of Studies of the bachelor Life Science & Technology consists of two student members of every year of the bachelor program.
For questions or comments regarding the curriculum of the bachelor Life Science & Technology, please contact our Commissioner of Bachelor Education or the student members of the Board of Studies themselves.
Programme Committee – master Leiden
The Board of Studies of the LST master in Leiden is also called the Programme Committee. This committee does not only give advice to one master program, but to the master programs of the LST master in Leiden and the Chemistry master. Besides the Commissioner of Master Education of S.A. LIFE, the Commissioner of Education of CDL is also an informant in this committee.
The Programme Committee consists, besides of three teacher members, also out of three (international) student members from both the LST master in Leiden and the Chemistry master.
For questions or comments regarding the curriculum of the LST master in Leiden or the Chemistry master, please contact our Commissioner of Master Education or the student members of the Programme Committee themselves.
Board of Studies – master Delft
The Board of Studies of the LST master in Delft gives advice regarding the study program of all four the possible tracks within the LST master in Delft. The Board of Studies consists, besides of four teacher members, also out of four (international) student members.
For questions or comments regarding the curriculum of the LST master in Delft, please contact our Commissioner of Master Education or the student members of the Board of Studies themselves.