Study Programmes

LST Bachelor

The bachelor LST is a joint programme of Leiden University and Delft University of Technology. You will benefit from the knowledge and facilities of two universities and after completion of your studies you will receive one diploma on which both universities are listed. You combine the disciplines mathematics, chemistry, physics and (micro)biology to study the living cell.  You learn to understand how the cell is constructed and how processes that take place in the cell lead to, for example, health or disease. In this way, applications can be devised  to influence the functioning of cells.

At Leiden University the emphasis is more on fundamental research. Biochemistry is central here, so you learn about genetics, protein folding, DNA/RNA interactions and, for example, their therapeutic purposes.

At TU Delft the emphasis is more on applied research. Biotechnology is central here, so you learn about industrial applications of fermentation, the mechanisms of enzymes and the sustainability of certain cellular processes.

More information about this bachelor can be found on the websites of Leiden University and TU Delft or via the education team:

The Study Advisor of the BSc LST is Elise Caspers. She is responsible for good advice and information to the students. You can ask her anything about exam regulation, study plan, study delay, academic issues and more. She will help you with anything!

Telephone +31 (0) 71 527 4634 (Leiden) and +31 (0) 15 27 82413 (Delft)
Room DM216 (Leiden) en B0.120 (Delft)


The Study Coordinator of the BSc LST is Zarlasht Khorsand. She is responsible for the organisation of the bachelor. She is also responsible for good communication and information to the students. Last, she also helps students in the orientation of this bachelor. If you have question about the application or admission to the program, you can contact her.

Telephone +31 71 527 6991
Room DM324 (Leiden)


The Educational Director of the BSc LST is Marco van Eijk. He is responsible for the organisation, quality and content of the bachelor program. He is also responsible for making policy for the future of the bachelor program.

Telephone +31 71 527 4628
Room EE219 (Leiden)


LST Master Leiden

The study Life Science and Technology (LST) concerns the study and manipulation of processes occurring in the living cell. The cell is the building block of life; it is the smallest unit with the characteristics of living systems. Research topics in Life Science and Technology within the Leiden Institute of Chemistry (LIC) comprise chemical and biomolecular synthesis and design combined with cell and chemical biology research. Thereby an unprecedented foundation is created for understanding the fundamental cellular processes and mechanisms underlying diseases, as well as knowledge of and skills in the technology to manipulate these systems for therapeutic purposes. At the core of our modern understanding of health and disease are studies on protein-protein interactions, synthesis and manipulation of protein structures, the use of novel chemical probes and inhibitors, the study of the effects of these potential drugs in cells and application of bio(medical) informatics. You will specifically learn to understand the molecular and structural chemical and biological aspects of disease-related processes and you will be able to apply chemical and biotechnological tools to the treatment of diseases. Your molecular insight will be highly appreciated by research groups in institutes such as LUMC, ErasmusMC and in research institutes abroad. Several molecularly based, disease-related studies can be carried out at the LIC or alternatively at LACDR, IBL, LUMC, the Dutch Cancer Institute (NKI) or ErasmusMC.

There are four different specialisations:

The Research and Development specialisation offers student the opportunity to spend two full years on training and specialisation, not only to become an independent and creative researcher, but also someone who can use their analytical skills to resolve challenges in their career in science or in society. The majority of the students from the research specialisation will continue their career in a PhD position.

The Science Communication and Society specialisation offers students the opportunity to combine research training with programmes in different aspects of science communication, such as journalism, new media, museology and information visualisation. The programme prepares students for a career in popularisation of science, for example, as a science communicator, a science policymaker or a public relations or health communication officer, or for a career as a scientist with a communicating mind-set.

The Education specialisation prepares students for a career as a teacher qualified to teach in Dutch high school education. With this specialisation, you become a teacaher in chemistry and/or biology. Because this specialisation is focused on Dutch education, the language of the programme is Dutch. The education specialisation can be seen as an extenstion of the educative minor.

The Business Studies specialisation offers the opportunity to combine training in research with education in business and entrepreneurship. It enables science students to understand the fundamentals of business management and innovation. The emphasis is on science-driven organisations and on establishing new business based on the outcomes of scientific research. About 40% of the students have gone on to do a PhD, where most of the others found employment in industry as consultant or in a managerial position.

More information about this master programme can be found on the website of Leiden University or via the education team:

The Study Advisor of the MSc LST & Chemistry is Hilde Zwaan. She is responsible for good advice and information to the students. You can ask her anything about exam regulation, study plan, study delay, academic issues and more. She will help you with anything!

Telephone +31 71 527 6259
Room BM.2.20 (Gorlaeus Building)

The Study Coordinator of the MSc LST & Chemistry is Margot Tjalma. She is responsible for the organisation of both programs. She is also, with Hilde Zwaan, responsible for a good communication and information to the students. Last, she also helps students in the orientation of this master. If you have question about the application or admission to the program, you can contact Margot Tjalma.

Telephone +31 71 527 4416
Room BM.2.20 (Gorlaeus Building)

The Educational Director of the MSc LST & MSc Chemistry is Lies Bouwman. She is responsible for the organisation, quality and content of both master programs. She is also responsible for making policy for the future of both master programs.

Telephone +31 71 527 4550
Room BM.2.20 (Gorlaeus Building)


LST Master Delft

The cell is the building block of life – the smallest unit with the characteristics of living systems. Life Science & Technology draws on fundamental and applied knowledge from the disciplines of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Technology, Informatics, Pharmacology and Mathematics to unlock the secrets of the cell and understand its mechanisms. You will build your knowledge further upon on your expected prior knowledge in the basic disciplines of biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, and chemical engineering. You will develop a thorough knowledge of the field of contemporary biotechnology at large and of the major interconnections between its founding sub-fields (e.g., cellular metabolism and industrial fermentation). You also develop mastery in relevant parts of the disciplines of (bio)chemistry (specialization biocatalysis) and/or industrial genomics, metabolic engineering and physiology (specialization cell factory) and/or biochemical engineering (specialization biochemical engineering). In these specialization-specific modules particular emphasis is placed on the latest results and methodologies and in the courses of your choice you are stimulated to develop critical reading and interpretational skills with respect to the primary scientific literature.

There are three specialisations or so-called tracks:

The Biocatalysis specialisation integrates enzymological, bio-organic, bio-inorganic and protein-analytical knowledge, with the aim giving you an understanding of the principles of biocatalysis. The specialisation provides theoretical and practical guidelines with respect to the determination of structure and function of single enzymes or multiple enzymes (proteomics/MS).

The Biochemical Engineering specialisation is concerned with new processes that involve cells or parts of cells, such as enzymes, where the cells or cell parts are based on sustainable feedstocks. This specialisation focusses on understanding the biological and physicochemical processes by means of mathematical models. Prediction and optimization of industrial processes also is a big part of this specialisation.

The Cell Factory specialisation focuses on the design, understanding and optimisation of living cells as environmentally and economically sustainable production systems. The courses in this specialisation present and integrate the scientific knowledge needed to use cells and communities for the production of valuable components, ranging from food ingredients to fuels.

More information about this master programme can be found on the website of TU Delft or via the education team:

The Study Advisor of the MSc LST is Ellen Winkler. She is responsible for good advice and information to the students. You can ask her anything about exam regulation, study plan, study delay, academic issues and more. She will help you with anything!

Telephone +31 15 27 85640
Room B0.120 (Building 58)

The Study Coordinator of the MSc LST is Andrea Witkam. She is responsible for the organisation of both programs. She is also, with Ellen Winkler, responsible for a good communication and information to the students. Last, she also helps students in the orientation of this master. If you have question about the application or admission to the program, you can contact Andrea Witkam.

Telephone +31 (0)15 27 88718
Room B0.120 (Building 58)

Available on monday/tuesday/thursday and friday from 8:00-14:00

The Educational Director of the MSc LST is Ulf Hanefeld. He is responsible for the organisation, quality and content of the master program. She is also responsible for making policy for the future of the master program.

Telephone +31 (0)15 27 89304
Room 210 (Building 58)

Other Masters

With a Bachelor LST, you are currently very broad educated. Therefore, you can choose a variety of master programmes in or outside Delft or Leiden. We understand that choosing a master can be very difficult. Therefore, S.A. LIFE has made a master guide to help you choose the right master. In this master guide you will find almost every master you can do with a bachelor LST. Also, there are personal opinions from students who have followed or are following this master. For some masters you need a pre-master of a certain amount of EC. If you have questions about the admission to the master or other questions, you can email the study advisor of that master programme or the Commissioner of Master Education of S.A. LIFE.
